Analytical support to organization system of children transportation in long-distance trains


Komissarov A. V.1,Makarova E. A.1,Muktepavel S. V.1,Nestrakhov I. A.1,Spesivtseva I. N.1


1. Joint Stock Company “Railway Research Institute” (JSC “VNIIZhT”)


Abstract. In modern conditions for passenger complex of Russian Railways, important tasks include improvement of transportation quality, maintenance of stable positions in a competitive environment and increasing demand. To address these issues, a customer-oriented approach is applied based on the segmentation of transport market in relation to certain groups of passengers. Performance of children's transportation is of particular relevance and social significance. Railways are charged with a huge range of work, including sale of travel documents, preparation and equipping of passenger cars, provision of food during the trip, instructing workers, ensuring security during the embarkation/disembarkation of passengers, etc. Children can travel as individually with accompanying persons and as part of organized groups. Processes of planning, organizing, monitoring the transportation of this age category of passengers are associated with the analysis of a large amount of reference and regulatory and reporting documentation. On the basis of the ACS “Express-3”, a program-analytical complex “Children's transportation” was developed and implemented, which allows to receive data at the regional and network levels in the operational (train number, day) and statistical (period of dates, month) modes. This information technology provides analytical support for key transportation management functions — planning, control, analysis. Planning of transportation of organized children's groups is carried out on the basis of a study of the dynamics of data on the number of applications received and travel documents issued, determining the routes of trains, periods of the highest intensity of passenger traffic, obtaining information about the stations of embarkation and disembarkation. To perform the functions of monitoring the embarkation and disembarkation at the destination station of groups of children, the employees involved receive information on the train number, car number, date and time of arrival, number of children in the group using the Children's Transportation software. For the analysis of transportation of children's age categories, a functional has been developed that ensures the construction of aggregated reporting based on trains data that completed the trip. Users receive reporting information in table form, including “strict” (designed according to the approved layout) and “flexible” forms (construction is performed according to specified parameters). Software and analytical complex is designed for managers and specialists of the passenger unit of the JSC “Russian Railways”, has a modular principle of increasing functionality and provides a solution to current problems in the system of organizing children's transport service.


JSC Vniizht

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