1. Arystoteles, Dzieła wszystkie, t. II (Meteorologika. O świecie), oprac. A. Paciorek, Warszawa 1982.
2. Christine de Pizan, The Book of Deeds and Arms and of Chivalry, transl. S. Willard, ed. Ch.C. Willard, Pennsylvania 1999.
3. Gesta Henrici Quinti – The Deeds of Henry the Fifth, eds F. Taylor, J. S. Roskell, Oxford 1975.
4. Orderic Vitalis, The Ecclesiastical History, ed. and transl. M. Chibnall, vol. VI, Oxford 1978.
5. The Chronicle of Geoffrey le Baker, transl. D. Preest, introduction and notes R. Barber, Woodbridge 2012.