1. Bizhanov E.B. (1978), Neolithic Monuments of South-East Ustyurt, „Ancient and Medieval Culture of South-East Ustyurt”, p. 74–75.
2. Bizhanov E.B. (1979), Finds of Paleolithic Monuments in the South-East Ustyurt, „VKKAN UzSSR”, 3, p. 522.
3. Bizhanov E.B. (1980), Upper Paleolithic Localities from the South-East Ustyurt, „VKKFAN UzSSR”, 4, p. 76.
4. Bizhanov E.B. (1982), Mesolithic and Neolithic Monuments of North-West Ustyurt, „Archeology of the Aral Sea Region”, p. 33.
5. Bizhanov E.B. (1996), Stone Age of Ustyurt, „Abstract for the Degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences”, p. 23.