Film is a woman. The manifestation of femininity in the work of Maria Sadowska based on Women’s Day


Sieńko Piotr


The aim of this article is to discuss a film by Maria Sadowska, entitled Women’s Day. The main theme around which the artist decided to build its plot is Halina Radwan’s herstory. A woman fulfils various socio-cultural roles, including that of mother, worker and woman, which exposes her to discrimination and exclusion. Feminist criticism therefore proved to be the primary tool used in the analytical process. The article refers to representatives of different research disciplines. The focus lies in capturing the relationships experienced by the main character in Sadowska’s film, both within the private and public spheres. This is preceded by an introduction, which outlines the subject matter addressed by Sadowska, and accompanied by an overview of the basic assumptions of feminist perspective in film studies.


Uniwersytet Lodzki (University of Lodz)


General Engineering

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