1. Cajete, Gregory, editor. A People’s Ecology: Explorations in Sustainable Living—Health, Environment, Agriculture, Native Traditions. Clear Light, 2000.
2. deBuys, William. A Great Aridness: Climate Change and the Future of the American Southwest. Oxford UP, 2011. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199778928.001.0001
3. deBuys, William. Enchantment and Exploitation: The Life and Hard Times of a New Mexico Mountain Range. U of New Mexico P, 1985.
4. deBuys, William. The Last Unicorn: A Search for One of Earth’s Rarest Creatures. Little, Brown & Co., 2015.
5. deBuys, William. The Trail to Kanjiroba: Rediscovering Earth in an Age of Loss. Seven Stories, 2021.