1. Ammiani Marcellini Rervm gestarvm libri qvi svpersvnt, ed. W. Seyfarth, Leipzig 1978.
2. The Anonymous Byzantine Treatise on Strategy, [in:] Three Byzantine Military Treatises, ed. et trans. G. T. Dennis, Washington 1985 [= Dumbarton Oaks Texts, 9].
3. Byzantine Military Rhetoric in the Ninth Century. A Translation of the Anonymi Byzantini Rhetor¬ica Militaris, trans. G. Theotokis, D. Sidiropoulos, London–New York 2021 [= Routledge Research in Byzantine Studies].
4. De velitatione bellica, [in:] Three Byzantine Military Treatises, ed. et trans. G. T. Dennis, Washington 1985 [= Dumbarton Oaks Texts, 9].
5. Digesta Iustiniani Augusti, ed. Th. Mommsen, P. Krueger, Berolini 1870.