1. Statsborgerskap, alders- og kjønnsfordeling for hele befolkningen 1977–2022 [Population, by sex, age and citizenship 1977–2023] (2023), Ssb.no. Dostęp online: https://www.ssb.no/statbank/table/05196 [10.08.2023].
2. Innsatte, etter type fengsling, alder og kjønn. Per 1. januar. Absolutte tall 2002–2021 [Prison population, by type of imprisonment, age and sex. Per 1 January. Absolute figures 2002–2021] (2022), Ssb.no. Dostęp online: https://www.ssb.no/statbank/table/10530 [10.08.2023].
3. Innsatte, etter type fengsling, hovedlovbruddsgruppe, type hovedlovbrudd og alder. Per 1. januar. Absolutte tall 2002–2021 [Prison population, by type of imprisonment, group of principal offence, type of principal offence and age. Per 1 January. Absolute figures 2002–2021] (2022), Ssb.no. Dostęp online: https://www.ssb.no/statbank/table/10531 [10.08.2023].
4. Innsatte, etter type fengsling, hovedlovbruddsgruppe og statsborgerskap. Per 1. januar. Absolutte tall 2012–2021 [Prison population, by type of imprisonment, group of principal offence and citizenship. Per 1 January. Absolute figures 2012–2021] (2022), Ssb.no. Dostęp online: https://www.ssb.no/statbank/table/10533/ [10.08.2023].
5. Straffereaksjoner (utvalgte), etter type reaksjon, hovedlovbruddsgruppe og type hovedlovbrudd. Absolutte tall 1997–2021 [Penal sanctions (selected), by type of sanction, group of principal offence and type of principal offence. Absolute figures 1997–2021] (2022), Ssb.no. Dostęp online: https://www.ssb.no/statbank/table/10622/ [31.10.2023].