1. Act of 13 June 2019 to amend the Penal Code and certain other acts. Available online: http://www.sejm.gov.pl/Sejm8.nsf/druk.xsp?no.=3451.
2. Act of 16 November 2006 to amend the Penal Code and certain other acts. Journal of Laws 2006 No. 226, item 1648.
3. Act of 19 April 1969 – Criminal Code. Journal of Laws 1969 No. 13, item 94.
4. Act of 19 June 2020 on subsidization of interest on bank loans granted to entities affected by COVID-19 and simplified arrangement approval proceedings due to COVID-19. Journal of Laws 2020, item 1086.
5. Act of 20 February 2015 on amending the Penal Code and certain other acts. Journal of Laws 2015, item 396.