In this paper, we consider two queueing models. Model I is on a single-server queueing system in which the arrival process follows MAP with representation D = (D0,D1) of order m and service time follows phase-type distribution (β, S) of order n. When a customer enters into service, a generalized Erlang clock is started simultaneously. The clock has k stages. The pth stage parameter is θp for 1 ≤ p ≤ k. If a customer completes the service in between the realizations of stages k1 and k2 (1 < k1 < k2 < k) of the clock, it is a perfect one. On the other hand, if the service gets completed either before the kth1 stage realization or after the kth2 stage realization, it is discarded because of imperfection. We analyse this model using the matrix-geometric method. We obtain the expected service time and expected waiting time of a tagged customer. Additional performance measures are also computed. We construct a revenue function and numerically analyse it. In Model II, a single server queueing system in which all assumptions are the same as in Model I except the assumption on service time, is considered. Up to stage k1 service time follows phase-type distribution (α′ , T′) of order n1 and beyond stage k1, the service time follows phase type distribution (β′ , S′) of order n2. We compare the values of the revenue function of the two models
Area de Innovacion y Desarrollo, S.L. 3 Ciencias