1. Sumy National Agrarian University
2. Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University
Introduction. The article examines the essential characteristics of the journalism and PR convergence, the main reasons for this process, the key aspects of the specified mass communication types of interaction, the principles of media relations, the probable scenarios of the integration development of the journalism and PR and its consequences for both spheres are clarified.
Relevance of the study. The study of various aspects of the interaction of media and public relations is extremely relevant, since in the modern media landscape these communicative practices increasingly influence each other. Understanding the consequences of their convergence helps to define new creative approaches to communication strategies, to adapt them to modern realities. The purpose of the article is to determine the convergent processes features, that have recently been taking place in the journalism and public relations field.
Methodology. The research was carried out using the analysis of scientific sources, an analytical method, a systematic approach when considering the dynamics and relationship at different levels between journalism and public relations, a comparative method for identifying their common and distinctive features, monitoring the media space, which allows to find out the impact of certain PR strategies and tools for journalistic practices, method of theoretical generalization.
The results. The main principles of media relations are indicated: the principle of trust, the reliability of information, bilateral observance of interests, consideration of development trends, communication style and ethical standards. The main convergent processes of journalism and public relations include: the use of similar tools and methods to achieve goals, the joint content creation that satisfies the needs of both parties, the joint management of information flows, the combination of journalistic approaches to the materials creation with PR strategies for attracting attention, the formation of the general professional responsibility sphere, conducting joint information campaigns and other events, creating a new media text format that combines the journalistic and PR text features, using the Internet as a channel, means and medium of communication.
Conclusions. The novelty of the research consists in obtaining a clearer idea of the various mass communication types of hybridization in the digitalization of society conditions. As a result of convergent processes, journalism and public relations are becoming increasingly interdependent, which opens new opportunities for creating and disseminating information. This interaction leads to the transformation of both spheres, promotes their development, and increases the effectiveness of influencing the audience.
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