1. Kwara State University Nigeria
2. National Open University of Nigeria, Nigeria
With rapidly changing work environment and digitalization in social life, it is easier and effective to use electronic learning (E-learning) systems to train human resource. This training can cover various dimensions like technologies, product, services, culture and policies. This study examined the influence of E-Learning on employee training and development. Two research questions were posed for the study and two hypotheses formulated in line with the objectives. As such, the objectives of the study were to examine whether the employees with less workload spend more time on E-learning than employees with higher workload, thus handle larger responsibilities and how the trainings imparted through E-learning has influence on performance of the employees and service quality. The study employed survey research, the experimental research and the ex-post facto. For this research, the quantitative research design was used. Questionnaires were administered to a sample size of two hundred and sixty (260) employees out of the seven hundred and twenty six (726) employee population of Non Academic Staffs of Kwara State University Nigeria. The simple random sampling and the test re-test reliability approach was adopted. The research found out that E-learning is a facilitating step for improving the pace of learning and reducing employee down-time thus enabling employees to handle greater responsibilities. Thus it concluded that employees with less workload can be made more responsible by providing training through E-learning. And it was also revealed that E-learning improves performance of employees by enhancing their productivity which influences quality of work thus improves employee performance. Based on the results of findings, the study recommends that Learning interactivities designed to accomplish knowledge transfer with a heavy emphasis on skills development on online learning platform can be used for new hires and market including: Business operations, auxiliary services, guidelines and future markets which will enhance employees performance and service quality. Other e-learning solutions are important as they are self-directed and much easy than any other methods of training.
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