Peculiarities of Formation of the Region's Logistics Infrastructure on the Basis of Eco-Innovations Within the Framework of Stakeholders' Partnership in the Enterprise-Region-State System


Jianming Mu1,Chortok Yuliia V.2,Yaremenko Anastasiia H.2


1. Odessa Polytechnic National University

2. Sumy State University, Ukraine


Implementation of Ukraine's European integration in all spheres of development increases the requirements for regional policy and expands the criteria for its effectiveness. It is important to choose effective methods and approaches to management, the use of which will ensure the competitiveness and sustainable development of the region. Under such conditions, the task of regional authorities is to initiate the formation of qualitatively new institutional foundations for a new regional development model, which harmoniously combines economic, social and environmental factors, which will be implemented in active cooperation with other businesses. Many years of experience in the development of cross-sector partnerships in European countries show that such a partnership contributes to a constant and well-established dialogue in society. Therefore, in the context of Ukraine, the issue of developing and adhering to the rules and principles of partnership, constructive cooperation of stakeholders and creating a model that will increase socio-environmental and economic responsibility of all participants in implementing measures to ensure sustainable development of the region. Taking into account the interests of all stakeholders becomes especially important in the logistics infrastructure development; its functioning affects both the socio-economic development of the region and the state of the environment. The main purpose of the investigation was to study the problems of forming the regional logistics infrastructure, which necessitates a responsible attitude of business and government to society and the environment. Foreign and Ukrainian publications on the formation of regional logistics infrastructure and allegations of social and environmental responsibility of stakeholders were analyzed. The study proposes the basic principles of logistics infrastructure planning based on cross-sector stakeholder partnership, which, according to the authors, would contribute to sustainable development of the region and increase the level and efficiency of regional logistics.


Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)


Computer Science Applications,History,Education

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