1. Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University
The article deals with the issues of interaction of linguistics and modern computer information technologies. It systematizes the actual problems and ways of their integration based on the analysis of the latest scientific works and the appropriate educational programs in higher education institutions all over the world. It draws attention to interdisciplinary sciences such as applied linguistics, computational linguistics, linguistic informatics, quantitative linguistics, mathematical linguistics, Internet linguistics, and integrated knowledge. The cooperation of two different areas is very productive and prospective. It contributes to the development of artificial intelligence and provides wider professional opportunities, effective intercultural communication and further improvement of society. The representatives of two, very different fields become mutually beneficial and complete each other successfully. The result of this interaction is a universal specialist which is in great demand nowadays. The main issues of the interaction of linguistics and modern information technologies are the following: 1) the role of virtual space and modern information technology in the development of linguistics; 2) the role of linguistics in the development of virtual space and information technologies, and the training of computer specialists; 3) the place of virtual space and modern information technologies in preparing linguists and translators (machine translation, translation systems, etc.); 4) the emergence of interdisciplinary sciences and educational courses at the intersection of two areas to provide society with professionals with integrated knowledge; duplication of their conceptual and terminological apparatus and research methods (due to their novelty); methodological support of the integrated educational process.
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