
Bilohur Anna1ORCID,Ushchapovska Iryna1ORCID


1. Sumy State University


The article investigates the usage of stylistically marked vocabulary fiction. The study considers the basic concepts of this linguistic phenomenon, provides a brief classification and characteristics of individual units. It also analyses the main methods of translating stylistically marked vocabulary on the case study of Stephen King's novel. A comparative analysis of the work of Stephen King with its translations into Ukrainian to determine the degree of translation adequacy, as well as to identify various translation transformations when transferring the peculiarities of the stylistically marked vocabulary has been done. In the article, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis in dividing the issue into its components, and the analysis to determine the meaning of terms has been used. The method of continuous sampling and the analysis of lexical units has also been used in the study. The article considers difficulties that often arise due to differences in social and cultural norms when translating non-standard vocabulary. It has been stated that the degree of correlation between the expression of foreign language and native vocabulary is currently a complex issue. The lexical replacement (partial and complete replacement of the original sing) has been defined as the most common method of translating stylistically marked words. Other methods to be mentioned are a match for a lexical item in the language of translation, euphemistic translation needed to reduce the degree of expression of the original words. In some cases, the replacement of the word of the original with a unit with a coarser expression, based on the context to convey the degree of tension of the speech situation to the reader is used. Translation failures have been considered as well. The most common reasons for unsuccessful translation are the reduction of expression and insufficient consideration of the situational factors of the language, which also leads to an unreasonable underestimation or overestimation of stylistic expression.


Sumy State University


Pharmacology (medical)

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