1. Bitlis Eren University, Turkey
2. Sakarya University, Turkey
The concept of innovation is experienced in generations, as in many other concepts. Intergenerational research, which has been the subject of scholarly inquiry for a considerable period, sheds light on this phenomenon. Despite the extensive attention given to intergenerational mindsets, only some studies have specifically examined the Z generation, who have recently entered the workforce. Notably, attitudes towards innovation vary across generations, with behaviours salient among the Y generation potentially being less relevant for the Z generation. This seems to herald an important difference. It also reveals the importance of deciphering the entire generation Z. Thus, it is paramount to investigate the attitudes and behaviours of the Z generation toward innovation in the business world. Furthermore, it is pertinent to note that career success is linked to innovation. This study focused on objective and subjective measures of career success. It examines the perception of subjective career success between Generation Z and Generation Y and the current situation of objective career success. Objective career success is the achievement of career-related criteria that all individuals can assess uniformly. In contrast, subjective career success refers to the individual’s perception of their success in their career. To measure these constructs, questions and scales were utilized in the research. The sample for the study was composed of 419 individuals from Generation Z and 470 individuals from Generation Y. A quantitative research method was employed to analyse the data, utilizing descriptive statistics, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and independent t-test. The findings indicate that objective and subjective career success perception higher among Generation Y than Generation Z. Looking at the sub-dimensions in the findings of the research, the averages of the Y generation are higher than the Z generation in the sub-dimensions of salary and status, recognition, growth, and development. On the other hand, the average of the Z generation is significantly higher in the personnel life sub-dimension known as work-life balance. Research results and literature show little differences. This study offer valuable insights for businesses, human resources departments, and interdisciplinary researchers. It also aimed to contribute to the literature on career success for the Z generation, who has just entered the business life.
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