Cybersecurity, An Axis On Which Management Innovation Must Turn In The 21st Century


Ojeda Castro Ed. Fernando AlonsoORCID


The main objective of this article is to highlight Cybersecurity, as a support for innovation in the 21st century company. It analyzes the two dominant structures under company cases, both from the United States and from PR China. The work is part of the research project developed by the researcher from the Pilot University of Colombia, called “The sustainable reference of the company in Colombia: support of the innovation of the XXI Century.” With this, “The Diamond of Innovation” is used, a product of the studies that the author of this document has carried out in the last decade on business models, public policy, culture and education, from Southeast Asia, the RP China and India. Thanks to this work, nine books have been made from the collection of the ‘Asian Firms’ and about thirty related articles. In the last two years, this study made it possible to create a tool that assesses the situation in which a country, city, or particular company finds itself, in terms of innovation, the ‘Innovation Diamond’, uses eight indicators, which allows ranking and propose immediate, short, medium and long term strategies, one of these eight points is: Cybersecurity. To achieve the proper context of the subject, initially the historical subject is addressed, of the evolution of the modalities, object and digital expressions of cybercrime, throughout history, based on the Project “Colossus” by John Mauchly and John Eckert in 1943, which takes up the episodes described in Table 1. On the other hand, it offers the possibility of knowing the indicators that, in terms of cybersecurity, have greater credibility and coverage in the world today, and that allow us to know the advances-setbacks in matter, across the five continents. The document continues, after this context, seeking to explain: What relationship is there between innovation and cybersecurity in the 21st century company? With this purpose, it delves into the subject of Cybersecurity, its continuous relationship with innovation, under its own expression from companies such as Facebook, Netflix, Apple, Samsung, Amazon, etc. The complement is to analyze in this scheme, what is happening in PR China, as the maximum expression of this relationship and a center of criticism and recognition, for its continuous disruption under the slogan ‘made first in China’. Finally, the conclusions take up what has been achieved in its entirety, to propose scenarios and spaces for action that are present, left as legacies of COVID and in the future, where this key cybersecurity-innovation is indivisible as a determining factor not only in economic-social life, but also in relationships. international, West-East, of the next decades.


Sumy State University

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