Introduction: Hydroelectric power plants are the most demanded source of electrical energy worldwide after the year 2000. Objective: This article identified the environmental impacts generated by the construction and operation of the El Quimbo hydroelectric power plant in the area of influence in southern Colombia from an ex-post perspective. Methodology: The study was of a mixed nature, under the deductive and descriptive method using information gathering techniques such as documentary analysis, open and participatory reconnaissance and the Delphi survey. Results: A total of eighty-eight (88) environmental impacts were identified in the physical, biotic and socioeconomic spheres. In the physical dimension, aspects such as decreased river flow and land flooding were found; in the biotic dimension, aspects such as increased displacement of terrestrial fauna and increased mortality of native species of terrestrial flora and fauna were identified; and in the socioeconomic field, decreased agricultural employment and increased cost of living were highlighted. Conclusions: We conclude with the identification of a greater number of negative impacts in the socioeconomic dimension compared to the impacts in the physical and biotic fields.
Corporacion Universitaria Americana