1. Agnello , A. Nyrop , J. Reissig , H. Straub , R. 2002 Reduced-risk pest management in apples using pheromone disruption and a selective pesticide program http://web.entomology.cornell.edu/agnello/assets/RAMP_2002_NY_Full_Report.pdf
2. Agnello , A. Nyrop , J. Reissig , H. Straub , R. 2003 Reduced-risk pest management in apples using pheromone disruption and a selective pesticide program http://web.entomology.cornell.edu/agnello/assets/RAMP_2003_NY_Full_Report.pdf
3. Agnello , A. Nyrop , J. Reissig , H. Straub , R. 2004 Reduced-risk pest management in apples using pheromone disruption and a selective pesticide program http://web.entomology.cornell.edu/agnello/assets/RAMP_2004_NY_Full_Report.pdf
4. Agnello , A. Nyrop , J. Reissig , H. Straub , R. 2005 Reduced-risk pest management in apples using pheromone disruption and a selective pesticide program http://web.entomology.cornell.edu/agnello/assets/RAMP_2005_NY_Full_Report.pdf
5. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2011 Statistical Overview of Canadian Horticulture 2009-2010 http://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/industry-markets-and-trade/statistics-and-market-information/by-product-sector/horticulture/horticulture-canadian-industry/sector-reports/statistical-overview-of-canadian-horticulture-2009-2010-1-of-8/statistical-overview-of-canadian-horticulture-2009-2010-5-of-8/?id=1319484763399#tab44