1. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) 2010 Peer Review Report to the conclusion regarding the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance paclobutrazol
2. FOCUS 2000 “FOCUS Groundwater Scenarios in the EU review of active substances”
3. FOCUS 2001 “FOCUS Surface Water Scenarios in the EU Evaluation Process under 91/414/EEC” 245
4. United Kingdom 2006 Draft Assessment Report (DAR) on the active substance paclobutrazol prepared by the rapporteur Member State the United Kingdom in the framework of Directive 91/414/EEC
5. United Kingdom 2010a Additional Report to the Draft Assessment Report on the active substance paclobutrazol prepared by the rapporteur Member State the United Kingdom in the framework of Commission Regulation (EC) No 33/2008