Safety and efficacy of feed additives consisting of sodium ferrocyanide and potassium ferrocyanide for all animal species (Eusalt a.i.s.b.l.)


,Bampidis Vasileios,Azimonti Giovanna,Bastos Maria de Lourdes,Christensen Henrik,Dusemund Birgit,Durjava Mojca,Kouba Maryline,López‐Alonso Marta,López Puente Secundino,Marcon Francesca,Mayo Baltasar,Pechová Alena,Petkova Mariana,Ramos Fernando,Sanz Yolanda,Villa Roberto Edoardo,Woutersen Ruud,Aquilina Gabriele,Bories Georges,Nebbia Carlo,Gropp Jürgen,Galobart Jaume,Vettori Maria Vittoria,Anguita Montserrat,Casanova Jordi Ortuño,Amaduzzi Angelica,Innocenti Matteo Lorenzo




Plant Science,Veterinary (miscellaneous),Animal Science and Zoology,Microbiology,Food Science,Parasitology

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