1. APHIS/BRS , 2007. Draft Guidance for APHIS Permits for Field Testing or Movement of Organisms with Pharmaceutical or Industrial Intent. www.aphis.usda.gov/brs/pdf/Pharma_Guidance.pdf.
2. CFIA , 2001. Plant Molecular Farming ‐ Discussion Document. www.inspection.gc.ca/english/plaveg/bio/mf/mf_disde.shtml.
3. CFIA , 2004. Directive Dir2000‐07: conducting confined research field trials of plants with novel traits in Canada. www.inspection.gc.ca/english/plaveg/bio/dir/dir0007e.shtml.
4. CFIA , 2005. Assessment Criteria for the Evaluation of Environmental Safety of Plants with Novel Traits Intended for Commercial Plant Molecular Farming ‐ DRAFT. bch.cbd.int/database/attachedfile.aspx?id=2365.
5. CFIA , 2006. Developing a Regulatory Framework for the Environmental Release of Plants with Novel Traits Intended for Commercial Plant Molecular Farming in Canada. www.inspection.gc.ca/english/plaveg/bio/mf/fracad/commere.shtml#6.