Guillain-Barré Syndrome and multiple lacunar infarcts in a COVID-19 patient


Suci Yulia DevinaORCID,Rosyid Alfian NurORCID,Wulaa Nurwapina Langga,Alamsyah Muh,Irmayani AK ,Bachrun Tamsil


Introduction: Hyperactivity immune responses to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can lead to several manifestations in the human organ. One of the most affected organs is the respiratory system. Not only does it affect the respiratory system, but hyperactivity can also affect the neuromuscular and cerebrovascular systems, though it is scarce for both systems to be affected simultaneously. Case presentation: We presented a mild COVID-19 patient with a history of progressive general weakness and dysphagia on day seventh day after patient was first diagnosed with COVID-19, which continued with diplopia and shortness of breath. The patient experienced respiratory failure type 1 and was admitted to an intensive care unit. A head CT scan showed multiple lacunar infarcts in the nucleus lentiform, while the electromyography (EMG) showed Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) with the subtype acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP). The patient was reported to have successful therapy with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) for five days and physical rehabilitation for three months. General weakness disappeared after the therapy, and the patient could do regular daily activities. Conclusions: Various neurological symptoms can manifest in COVID-19 patients. Acute progressive muscle weakness should be considered as an autoimmune and cerebrovascular disease induced by COVID-19. Early diagnosis and treatment can provide a better outcome for the patient.


Journal of Infection in Developing Countries


Virology,Infectious Diseases,General Medicine,Microbiology,Parasitology







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