Visual Q methodology: A methodological approach to empower marginalized populations in agriculture throughout the global south


Roberts RichieORCID


Ensuring that marginalized populations become empowered in agriculture is vital to the success of global agricultural development goals. However, these populations have reported lacking access, power, and voice. Perhaps one strategy researchers can use to address this issue is through visual Q methodology. In this methodological paper, I argue that by combining the tenets of Q and visual methodologies, researchers can offer empirically grounded findings that evoke powerful, rich insight into the perspectives of marginalized populations in agriculture who may lack the communication skills to articulate their perspectives through words. To this point, however, the approach has lacked clear guidance, which has led to diminished quality in the published literature on visual Q methodology. In response, I offer six principles to guide visual Q methodological studies moving forward: (a) relationship-building with participants, (b) participant training, (c) concourse development, (d) Q set sampling, (e) data collection, and (f) data analysis and interpretation.


Advancements in Agricultural Development, Inc.


General Medicine

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1. Innovating methods of agricultural development research and practice;Advancements in Agricultural Development;2024-01-31







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