The Kurdish Presence in Damascus and the Role of the Notable Ali Agha Zalfo




1. Zakho University/Faculty of Humanities/Department of History


The city of Damascus includes many soils, shrines and shrines belonging to influential Kurdish personalities who settled in that city for centuries, as it is known. Kurdish in various eras, which is still full of Damascus until the present time. Because of the foregoing, Damascus has always been the center of Kurdish pride, and families and tribes have migrated to it in several stages, including the family of Ali Agha Zalfu, which settled in the Kurdish neighborhood of Damascus and has always played an important role in Damascene society. The role of Ali Agha Zalvo emerged in many Syrian national situations, as he was one of the first Syrians to participate in the Great Syrian Revolution and bravely fought the French Mandate forces in Syria, and participated in the attempt of General Gouraud, the first French official in Syria at the time. Ali Agha Zalvo was also known to receive his Kurdish brothers who immigrated to Damascus in the twenties of the last century, where he allocated to them his palace in Damascus, took good care of them, and gave them his own money. For the benefit of his brothers everywhere. As a result of all of the above, Ali Agha Zalvo has been respected and appreciated by all Syrians because of his well-known patriotism and his service to the general Syrian affairs, as well as by the Syrian Kurds, who in turn found in him the person who always deserves respect and gratitude.


Van Yuzuncu Yil University

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