
Elovicova Tat'yana1,Ermishina Elena1,Ssablina Svetlana1,Griroriev Sergey1,Koshchev Anatoly2


1. Ural State Medical University

2. 3Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin


Subject. Physical-chemical characteristics of the toothpaste Dentaswiss Extra Whitening and structural and optical parameters of mixed saliva before and after volunteer brushing. Objectives. To evaluate physical-chemical characteristics of the new therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste Dentaswiss Extra Whitening together with changes in structural and optical parameters of the effected mixed saliva. Methodology. The composition and properties of the new therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste Dentaswiss Extra Whitening are studied based on the results of physical and chemical analysis of three aqueous solutions (prepared with different concentrations) by measuring pH value, calcium ion concentration, electrical conductivity and surface tension. The study involved 32 student volunteers of both sexes (men — 11, women — 21) from the Ural State Medical University Faculty of Dentistry between the ages of 21 to 23 who were comprehensively examined including structural and optical parameters of mixed saliva before and after brushing. Results. The average pH value is 7.91±0.01, the increased calcium ion (Са2+) level is found up to 2.25 mmol/l in all three aqueous suspensions (р≤0.05). Electrical conductivity of suspensions is found to be increased and surface tension is found to be reduced uniformly with the increase in mass fraction (р≤0.05). Conclusion. The study of physical-chemical characteristics of the toothpaste Dentaswiss Extra showed positive changes in pH values, electrical conductivity and surface tension promoting the increased remineralizing properties of mixed saliva (р≤0.05).


TIRAZH Publishing House

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