1. Bashkir State Medical Universitey
2. Bashkir State Medical University
3. Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia
Thing. Studying the frequency of birth of children with congenital malformations in a city with a petrochemical industry. The goal is to identify the effect of industrial emissions from enterprises in Ufa on the frequency of birth of children with congenital cleft lip and palate. Methodology. In the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital from 1985 to 2019, the medical documentation of children born in the city with a petrochemical industry with a cleft lip and palate was studied. Results. In industrial areas of Ufa, the average rate of birth of children with clefts is 3.65 ± 0.31 (Kalininsky) and 2.34 ± 0.29 (Ordzhonikidzevsky). According to our studies, it was found that in the industrial zone, the frequency of birth of children with congenital facial pathology is significantly higher than in environmentally safe areas, and ranges from 1: 282 (3.5) in the Kalinin industrial northern region to 1:859 (1.1) in the southernmost, ecologically safe Demsky district (p<0.01). On the whole, in Ufa, the average rates of the birth rate of children with congenital cleft lip and palate were 1:454 (2.204 ± 0.11). Conclusions. The correlation between the value of gross emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air and the frequency of congenital cleft lip and palate in the zone with emissions of 135,114―180,120 tons per year, then in the zone with the amount of emissions of 20,000―135,114 tons per year, and the frequency in the zone with emissions of 11,000 is less ― 20,000 tons per year. The average birth rates for children with ARVH in the cities of the Republic of Bashkortostan were per 1000 children born: in cities with NHP ― 2.44; in cities without NHP ― 1.13. The frequency of birth of children with ADV in cities with NHP is more than 2 times higher than the frequency of birth of children with ADV in cities without NHP (p <0.001).
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