
Elovicova Tat'yana1,Karaseva V.1,Skurihina Yana1,Koshchev Anatoly2,Yepishova Anna1


1. Ural State Medical university

2. 3Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin


Object. The article presents an assessment of the effect of smoking on factors of non-specific resistance of oral mucosa by the reaction of adsorption of microorganisms by epithelial cells. Purpose. is to detect and evaluate changes in non-specific oral mucosa resistance in smoking patients. Methodology. A clinical examination of the oral cavity 120 volunteers (58 women and 62 men) aged 18 to 44 years (average age: 22, 50 ± 2.59) was conducted. Three groups 2 participants have been formed: the main group (75 people) ― smokers and the comparison group (45 people) - non-smoking volunteers. The material taken twice: in smokers - before and 15 minutes after smoking, in non-smokers (for reliability) ― initially and after 15 minutes. A sterile instrument used to cut epithelium off the mucosa portion of the inner surface of the cheek, transfer it to a slide, dry, stain and microscopy the preparations. The integrity of the epithelial cell structure, their size, the intensity of the core staining and the cytoplasm evaluated. Depending on the number of microorganisms adsorbed on their surface, the viewed epithelial cells divided into 4 categories. Results. A change in the adsorption response of microorganisms by epithelial cells indicates a negative influence of tobacco on the oral mucosa. Conclusions. Smoking negatively affects the state of local immunity ― non-specific resistance of oral mucosa. Changes in the adsorption response of microorganisms by oral mucosa epithelial cells can be used in the diagnosis and prevention of diseases of oral organs arising from smoking.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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