
Olesova Valentina1,Martynov Dmitry2,Olesov Egor3,Ekusheva Evgeniya2,Salamov Magomed4,Morozov Dmitry3


1. Institute for Advanced Studies of the FMBA of Russia

2. Academy of Postgraduate Education FNCC FMBA of Russia

3. Clinical Center of Dentistry FMBA Russia

4. Medical and Biological University of Innovative Technologies and Continuing Education FSBI State Research Center FMBC named after A.I.Burnazyan FMBA of Russia


According to the data of targeted examinations of workers with hazardous working conditions, in particular, in the presence of a radiation factor, the dental status in terms of the prevalence and intensity of major dental diseases does not differ significantly from those working in normal working conditions. At the same time, during interviews and clinical examination, workers in hazardous industries often reveal hypertonicity of the muscles of the maxillofacial region, which is especially noticeable in people with long work experience. One of the reasons for the hypertonicity of the muscles of the maxillofacial region can be chronic stressful loads associated with hazardous working conditions. However, this section of functional dentistry has not been sufficiently studied in relation to workers in hazardous industries. It is required to compare the results of electromyography of the muscles of the maxillofacial region and the data of psychological examination of workers. The aim of the study is to compare the psychological characteristics and the results of electromyography of the muscles of the maxillofacial region in workers with hazardous working conditions and normal working conditions in the 45-55 age group. Material and Methods: A comparative analysis of electromyography data of masticatory and temporal muscles, "Hamburg testing" of the masticatory apparatus and psychological characteristics was carried out in 50 workers of hazardous industries (radiation production factor) and in 53 workers in normal working conditions. Results of the study: the study revealed differences in the results of psychophysiological examination, "Hamburg testing" of the chewing apparatus and electromyography of the muscles of the maxillofacial region in workers with hazardous working conditions and working in normal conditions. Employees of hazardous industries, according to psychological examination, are subject to chronic stress, which leads to a distortion of the tone of the muscles of the maxillofacial region, which, in turn, causes more frequent detection of dysfunction of the masticatory apparatus in workers. Conclusion: the results of the study should be taken into account in the complex dental rehabilitation of workers in hazardous industries, including measures aimed at normalizing the muscle tone of the maxillofacial region.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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