The results of periodontal aid for patients with periodontosis in Samara State dentistry clinics (terms and conditions).


Nesterov Aleksandr1,Sadykov Mukatdes1,Chigarina Svetlana1,Haykin Maksim1,Trunin Dmitriy1


1. Samara State Medical University


Subject. Data on the prevalence and epidemiology of chronic periodontitis are presented. The main treatment protocols for this pathology and the most common complications arising from its neglect or inadequate treatment are presented. The goal is to conduct a retrospective analysis of the incidence of chronic generalized periodontitis in the period from 2015 to 2019 in medical institutions of the dental profile of the city of Samara Methodology. During the study 21368 medical records were studied in the period from 2015 to 2019, and errors in filling out 2910 medical records of primary patients were analyzed. The quality of conducting 18458 medical records was assessed in the provision of dental care for patients with a diagnosis of chronic periodontitis. Statistical processing of the material was carried out using the statistical program package “Statistica” for the formation of clear approaches in the diagnosis, treatment methods and prevention of this pathology. Results. An analysis of medical records showed that the highest prevalence of chronic periodontitis was observed in the 55―64-year-old age group (29.82 % of those examined), while 67.5 % of the patients showed a generalized form of chronic periodontitis, and 32.5 % localized. The treatment of such patients was carried out comprehensively and included both conservative methods of treatment, as well as surgical and orthodontic treatment. Stabilization in chronic generalized and localized periodontitis of mild degree occurred in 45 % of patients, in medium ― in 33.4 %, and in severe ― in 8.5 %. Conclusions. The frequency of occurrence of patients with a diagnosis of "chronic periodontitis" by referral to dental clinics is about 86 %. At the same time, the positive outcome of the treatment currently remains at an extremely low level, especially in the treatment of patients with a severe degree of development of chronic periodontitis. This is largely due to the neglect by the dentists of the proposed treatment protocols.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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