
Taghizadeh Javid1,Parshin Yuriy2,Trezubov Vladimir3,Rozov Roman3


1. Novgorod State University named after. Yaroslav the Wise

2. First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I. P. Pavlov

3. First Saint Petersburg State Medical University named after I.I. acad. I.P. Pavlova


The subject of the research – expert assessment of the quality of implant prosthetics. The goal – creation of an instrument and clinical testing of the TAPATR computer program for assessing the condition of soft and hard peri-implant tissues, which is a diagnostic, prognostic and control method. Methodology. The subjects of the study were 48 people (11 men, 37 women) aged from 48 to 65 years (average age 58.2 ± 4.8 years). A comparative assessment of the proposed method (questionnaire) and the X-ray examination method (cone-beam tomography) was carried out. Statistical processing of materials was carried out using SAS v9.4 software. Results. Successful initial clinical validation of the method was carried out. A comparison of the survey and radiological assessment led to reliably identical results, namely, a direct pattern of deterioration in the health of peri-implant tissues depending on the degree of peri-implantitis. Statistical analysis showed that there are significant correlations between all indicators: between a high level of health and the absence of illness, a good level of health and class 2 illness, (r = 0.42 and r = 0.42, respectively). A moderate correlation has been proven between a low level of health and disease class 2 (r = 0.56) and severe – between a satisfactory level of health and class 3 (r = 0.76). Conclusion 1. An expert method for assessing the condition of soft and hard peri-implant tissues has been developed. 2. High objectivity, validity and reliability of the presented method have been proven. 3. The proposed method can be used in clinical settings, in expert assessment of the quality of prosthetics, and also in the work of conflict expert commissions.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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