
Dovgerd Aleksandr12,Sivolapov Konstantin13


1. Novokuznetsk State Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education - branch of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

2. Stoma

3. Regional Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons


The subject of the study is the prospects for the introduction of an endossal all-ceramic screw single-stage immediate implant in the clinical practice. The objectives. The aim is to conduct a comparative analysis of the state of bone tissue according to CT data and long-term clinical use of the developed zirconium dioxide bio-implant in comparison with a titanium implant with SLA-coating. Methodology. The paper presents 5-year clinical results of monitoring the state of bone tissue in the area of the developed bio-implant and titanium implant installed under the same clinical conditions in one patient. Results. The development of new biocompatible materials and the improvement of technologies for obtaining surfaces with a given micro-roughness, new technologies for applying bio-coatings to the surface of a dental implant made of zirconium dioxide and the improvement of clinical protocols have made it possible to use such zirconium dioxide implants as a reliable alternative to their titanium counterparts. The 5-year clinical results of the patient's treatment with the use of patented bio-implants based on zirconium dioxide in comparison with implants based on titanium alloys are presented. The new all-ceramic implant developed by the author of the study (RF Patent for Invention No. 2651052; Eurasian Patent No. 035482) is distinguished by its design and the method of treating the surface of the exclusively threaded part of the implant with calcium hydroxyapatite. The possibility of using the developed implant will meet the needs of patients in minimally invasive implantation procedure, ensuring its cost-effectiveness in relation to analog imported dental implant systems. In addition, due to specialized surface treatment, the developed implant does not require the use of bone-substituting drugs, and the presence of a bio-coating allows to expand the use in groups of patients with somatic pathologies. Conclusions. The performed study shows that the developed system of all-ceramic immediate implants has reliable long-term clinical results, as well as preserves and maintains the volume and density of bone tissue in comparison with titanium systems. This clinical observation allows us to recommend the use of the developed bio-implant in clinical dentistry.


TIRAZH Publishing House


General Medicine

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