
Uspenskaya Ol'ga1,Kazarina Natalya2,Shaykhutdinova Alina2,Magomedova Khadizhat2


1. Volga Research Medical University

2. Privolzhsky Research Medical University


Desquamative glossitis is a disease characterized by an unclear etiology, torpidity of the course, recurrence-proneness. The mechanism underlying the disease development is cellular kinetics disorders. The essential micronutrient zinc is an apoptotic inhibitor in various cellular systems, including the epithelium. Methodology. The study involved 33 patients with desquamative glossitis. In all cases, traditional local treatment with keratoplastics was prescribed, supplemented with the appointment of zinc-containing toothpaste (contains zinc lactate) and an oral preparation containing zinc oxide (2 mg in one tablet). The determination of zinc in the oral fluid was carried out using a method of mass spectrometry with an ion source in the form of inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS). Units of measurement mmol/l. Results. When prescribing zinc preparations of general and/or local action, the concentration of zinc in the oral fluid increases in each group (*p < 0.05,**p < 0.001). The rate of epithelization of lesions with desquamative glossitis is higher when taking zinc preparations orally, while the maximum rate of epithelization is observed with simultaneous local and general use of zinc-containing agents (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Our study demonstrated the clinical effectiveness of zinc-containing drugs in the treatment of desquamative glossitis, which is confirmed by an increase in the rate of epithelialization and a decrease in the area of lesions when they are used with the registration of an increase in the level of zinc in the oral fluid.


TIRAZH Publishing House


General Medicine

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