
Stafeev Andrey1,Hizhuk Aleksandr1,Korchagina Maria2,Chernevich Alina1,Toshkhuzhaeva Aziza1


1. Omsk State Medical University

2. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


Positioning of the lower jaw in three mutually perpendicular planes – sagittal, frontal and transversal – significantly affects the position of the occlusal plane. Finding the occlusal plane is an important criterion for the success of planning and implementing dentures. The review presents analogue and digital methods for personalized identification and construction of the occlusal plane in the process of dental orthopedic rehabilitation. Objectives. The goal is to study known methods for constructing a personalized prosthetic plane using analog and digital methods. Methodology. An analysis of the scientific literature devoted to analog and digital methods for constructing a personalized prosthetic plane for dental orthopedic rehabilitation was carried out. Results. During orthopedic dental rehabilitation of patients with complete absence of teeth, one of the most important stages in the manufacture of removable dentures is the determination of the prosthetic plane. The quality of prosthetics in both aesthetic and functional aspects will depend on the accuracy of the determination. The shape and position of the occlusal plane depends on many factors: the shape of the head, the type of growth of the facial part of the skull, heredity, race. The scientific literature reflects various methods for orienting the occlusal plane in the facial part of the skull, and the authors used both cephalometric indicators and anatomical structures as reference points. Conclusions. Determining the prosthetic plane with the help of digital technologies makes it possible to fully achieve a guaranteed and predictable result of the entire treatment, therefore, today they are relevant, and in the future they will become the method of choice.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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