
Moiseev Denis1,Rumyantsev Vitalij1,Volkov Sergey1,Kulyukina Maria1,Konov Anton1


1. Tver State Medical Universitet


Researchers are currently paying more and more attention to the combined pathology of the tooth pulp and periodontal. At the same time, the peculiarities of the structure of the alveolar bone, the cement of the tooth root and the root canal system that cause their interrelation and mutual influence remain insufficiently studied. The main elements of the connection between the pulp and periodontal tissues are not only apical openings and additional channels, but also other ways of interaction, the study of which is of great interest for understanding the features of pathogenesis, prognosis and treatment of combined diseases of the tooth pulp and periodontal. The aim of the study is to identify the topographical and anatomical features of the structure of the roots of teeth of different functional groups and the surfaces of their holes when studying on human cadaver material. The hypothesis of the study is that the number of openings of the Haversov channels and their localization in the moons are due to the functional affiliation of the teeth and they have their own characteristics. Material and methods. The study was conducted on jawbones with teeth obtained from embalmed corpses of adults of different genders and ages. After appropriate preparation, at the first stage, microscopy of the alveolar surfaces was performed, followed by morphometric analysis of the photos. At the second stage, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the surfaces of the roots of teeth previously extracted from the same wells of the jaws was performed. Results and discussion. All the preparations were systematized according to the number and topography of the identified holes of the Haversov channels. Because of the assessment of morphometric indicators, the number of holes, the density of their location and the diameter were determined, depending on the functional affiliation of the teeth. The analysis of microphotographs obtained because of SEM allowed us to determine the structural features of the surfaces of the roots of the teeth. Conclusions. The number, density and diameter of the holes of the Haversov channels are determined by the functional affiliation of the tooth. With the help of SEM, micro cracks and areas of root dentin exposure were found on the surfaces of the roots of the teeth for the first time, which can contribute to the translocation of pathogenic microbiota from the periodontal pocket to the pulp of the tooth and vice versa.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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