
Haybullina Rasima1,Rakmatullina Rasima2,Valeeva El'vira3,Mochalov Konstantin3,Taupova Irina3,Kuleshova Tatyana3


1. Bashkirian State Medical University

2. Bashkirskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet

3. Bashkir State Medical Universitey


In our article, we studied the concentration of immunoglobulins, the interleukin system and observed their changes before and after our patented treatment with a dressing based on "Placentol". The study material was the oral fluid of the patients. We observed 67 patients with a diagnosis of chronic generalized periodontitis of mild severity from 214 employees. The patients are workers of the limestone quarry. We revealed the occupational conditionality of the disease by chronic generalized periodontitis in workers of the limestone quarry, which turned out to be highly conditioned (that is, working conditions affect the condition of the periodontal). The results of the treatment pleased us, we achieved clinical improvement on the fourth visit. The work of the periodontal immune system is partly determined by the direction of the development of pathological processes in chronic inflammation. The main cause in the pathogenesis of chronic immunological inflammation can be a local disorder at the level of the mucosal system or small abnormalities at the systemic level. This task is complex and it is studied both from the immunological position and from the position of general pathology, taking into account the functioning of other homeostatic systems of the body. The article also provides information on the role of cytokines in the pathogenetic mechanisms of chronic inflammation in periodontal tissues, and how our patented treatment can enhance the oral immune system. Also, to carry out early diagnosis and prevention of periodontitis in limestone quarry workers, identifying their relative risk index and the etiological proportion of periodontitis incidence. The aim of our work is to study the changes in the parameters of the oral cavity immune system, under the influence of the treatment of the Placentol dressing, in the workers of the limestone quarry, and in the future to offer them our treatment.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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