
Gumanyuk Tatyana1,Nurieva Natal'ya2,Shirshova Nataliya3,Dyuryagin Vitaly4


1. South Ural State Medical Institute

2. Yuzhno-Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet

3. South Ural State Medical University

4. LLC "NS Technology"


Subject. Despite the sufficient functionality of modern removable orthopedic structures, they are able to have a mechanical, chemical-toxic, sensitizing and thermally insulating effect on the mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed (NOZZLES). Violations of the integrity of the epithelium of the oral mucosa are often infected with the subsequent development of inflammation. If the traumatic factor has the character of a long-term impact, then the mechanism of chronic inflammation is triggered and maintained. In addition, there is a possibility of changing the nature of differentiation of epithelial or connective tissue cells of the oral mucosa, which can lead to the development of precancerous and tumor lesions. Therefore, the problem of early diagnosis, prevention and treatment is very relevant at the present time. In this regard, the issue of early and complete elimination of lesions of the oral mucosa with the introduction of new, more effective methods is of high importance. The goal — to justify the choice of the method of applying carbon nanocoating on the basis of the prosthesis on the basis of a systematic analysis of literary sources. Methodology. The article presents an analytical literature review on the problem of the reaction of prosthetic bed tissues to interaction with removable orthopedic dental structures. A method of processing the prosthesis base by applying a carbon nanocoating, which has been tested in clinical conditions, is presented. Results. The method of processing removable orthopedic structures by applying a carbon nanocoating allows, with a partial change in the initial physical and chemical properties, to increase its bioinertness and can be used for the treatment of toxic-allergic, mechanical lesions of NOZZLES. Conclusions. The analysis of literature sources allows us to justify the method of applying carbon nanocoating on the basis of the prosthesis as a method of treating toxic and allergic reactions of the oral mucosa.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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