
Melnikov Yuri1,Zholudev Sergey2,Bazarnyy Vladimir2,Polushina Larisa2


1. ANO «Ob'edinenie «Stomatologiya», filial № 6

2. Ural State Medical University


Subject. Recent clinical studies have shown that implant placement is highly predictable using 3D computer-generated implant guides, but there is no clinical comparison between the body's response to trauma during a dental implant surgery. After bone surgery (implant placement), intracellular chemical signals trigger a suitable cellular response to external changes in order to develop specific and adaptive responses in tissues to external stimuli. The aim is to compare the severity of the release of matrix metalloproteinases in the oral cavity during dental implantation operations using implant templates and flapless techniques and using the standard technique. Collection and comparison of data on the possibility of using matrix metalloproteinases in saliva/oral fluid as a biomarker and predictor of the activity of healing and tissue remodeling during dental implantation. Methodology. The oral fluid of 22 patients was studied for the quantitative content of matrix metalloproteinases 2, 3, 9, 8, 12 before and after 3, 14 and 30 days after the dental implantation operation. All study participants were divided into two groups: control and experimental. In the control operation, it was carried out according to the standard technique with folding the muco-periosteal flap, in the experimental one - using implant templates according to the flapless technique. Results. The data obtained indicated a change in indicators in both groups. In the control group, there was a significant excess of indicators, which indicates a more pronounced reaction of the body. Conclusions. The positive influence of the use of implant templates in order to minimize trauma during the dental implantation operation was established.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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