
Galonsky Vladislav12,Tarasova Natalia1,Surdo El'vira1,Gradoboev Anatoly3


1. Krasnoyarsk V.F. Voino‐Yasenetsky State Medical University

2. Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Dental Clinic "Helios"


Subject. Clouston syndrome is within the list of rare (orphan) congenital diseases. The issue of peculiarities in dental rehabilitation of patients with Clouston syndrome and congenital edentulism remains discussable. There are no approved clinical guidelines regarding this problem for dental practitioners. Aim ― improvement of diagnostic and treatment procedures efficacy for children with Clouston syndrome and congenital edentulism in the orthopedic dentistry and orthodontics clinic. Methodology. In order to demonstrate capabilities of efficacious orthopedic dental rehabilitation, a clinical case of a 14-years old patient with Clouston syndrome and congenital edentulism in an ambiguous oral cavity condition is presented, demonstrating the most justified and predictable approach to clinical management of patients. Results. The paper describes results of analysis of domestic and foreign literature devoted to the issue of determining distinctive diagnostic features of patients with Clouston syndrome used in the diagnostic process in the presented clinical case. Technological peculiarities and advantages of the chosen minimally invasive treatment approach – application of removable dentures – are described. The article demonstrates photographs depicting orthopaedic dental treatment results providing evidence of aesthetic, functional and social rehabilitation of the patient. Findings. The presented literature review of main distinctive clinical features of Clouston syndrome is an efficacious diagnostic algorithm in clinical orthopedic dentistry and orthodontics that forms a clear route for allied specialists in terms of diagnosis of this pathology in patients. The presented clinical case of minimally invasive orrthopedica dental treatment methods for rehabilitation of patients with Clouston syndrome and congenital edentulism is an option that provides for predictable satisfactory aesthetic and functional results of treatment, social adaptation of patients and a wide spectrum of further clinical decisions in short- and long-term follow-up management of patients.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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