
Nurieva Natal'ya1,Shelegova Irina2,Vazhenina Dar'ya1


1. Yuzhno-Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet

2. OOO "Central'naya stomatologiya"


Thing. The optical density of the lower jaw in the frontal part of female patients was studied, age-related differences in the optical density of the lower jaw were revealed. The aim is to reveal the variability of the values of optical density of the lower jaw in the anterior region in female patients. Methodology. Computed tomograms of the lower jaws of 26 patients were analyzed. The optical density of the bone was assessed using the method of computer densitometry in Hounsfield arbitrary units, measurements were carried out in the area of the root apexes of the lower canines. Statistical analysis was carried out using Microsoft Excel, Windows 9. Results. In 84.6 % of cases, the optical density of bone tissue in the area of 3.3 and 4.3 teeth is within the same class according to the Misch classification. In this group, 72.7 % of patients had class D2, 18.18 ― D1, 9 ― D3; in 15.4 %, the bone density on the right and left sides of the mandible belongs to D2 and D3. The optical density between two relatively symmetrical points is in the range from 2 to 238 units, between the right and left sides it is 129.66 HU. In the group of 30―39 (n = 6) years, in 50 % of cases, bone density belongs to class D2, in 33.33 ― D1, in 16.66 ― D3; 40―49 (n = 8) years in 87.5 % of cases ― D2, in 12.5 ― D1; 50―59 (n = 6) years at 50 % ― D2 and at 50 ― D3; 60―68 (n = 6) years at 50 % ― D2 and at 50 ― D3. Conclusions. With increasing age of patients, there is a decrease in bone density in the lower jaw in the canine area.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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