
Мирсаева Фания1,Mirsaeva Faniya2,Ханов Тимур3,Hanov Timur4,Кузнецова Татьяна5,Kuznecova Tat'yana6,Буйлова Олеся7,Buylova Olesya8


1. ФГБОУ ВО БГМУ Минздрава России

2. FGBOU VO BGMU Minzdrava Rossii

3. ФГБОУ ВО БГМУ Минзрава России

4. FGBOU VO BGMU Minzrava Rossii

5. ООО НВП Башкирская инвестиционная компания

6. OOO NVP Bashkirskaya investicionnaya kompaniya

7. ГБУЗ РБ Городская клиническая болница №8

8. GBUZ RB Gorodskaya klinicheskaya bolnica №8


Subject. Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida as opportunistic microorganisms found on the oral mucosa in more than a half of the human population. However, there is conflicting evidence about the frequency of Candida detection in periodontal pockets. It has been proved that the fungi of the genus Candida are identified in the content of the gingival furrow and the periodontal pockets in 10% - 90.5% of cases in different geographical regions. As a result of the interaction of the pathogenic periodontal microflora and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida a burdened underlying disease is usually identified, though the clinical importance of microbial associations in its course is not taken into account. In this regard, the diagnosis of candida-associated periodontitis is not correctly established that leads to poor treatment results. Since different Candida species have inequal sensitivity to the antimycotic and antiseptic drugs used, it is important to investigate the microbial landscape and the Candida fungi contamination of the periodontal pockets to improve the effectiveness of treatment of the CGP. The aim is to study the microbial landscape of the periodontal pockets during the exacerbation of the CGP and to determine the incidence of candida-associated periodontitis.. Material and methods. The fungi species were identified with a set of morphological, biochemical and microbial culture methods. To confirm the diagnosis, culture studies were conducted, microscopic examination of print smears, as well as genoidentification of fungi in the material from the periodontal pocket using a polymerase chain reaction. Results. It was established that Candida-associated periodontitis occurs in 41.79% of cases. Species composition is mainly represented by Candida albicans and Candida Krusei. Conclusions. The degree of contamination of periodontal pockets with the fungi of the Candida genus is associated with the degree of severity of periodontitis. Low and medium levels of contamination are associated with chronic generalized periodontitis of mild degree, medium and high degrees of contamination are associated with the CGP of medium severity, high degree of contamination corresponds to severe forms of the CGP.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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