
Бадалян Араик1,Badalyan Araik2,Чернавский Александр34,Chernavskiy Aleksandr56,Петров Игорь1,Petrov Igor'2,Блинд Эдгар7,Blind Edgar8


1. Стоматологическая поликлиника № 12

2. Stomatologicheskaya poliklinika № 12

3. Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина

4. МАУ "СП № 12"

5. , Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

6. MAU "SP No. 12"

7. МАУ «Стоматологическая поликлиника № 12»

8. Municipal autonomous institution Dental clinic №12


Subject. Acquired edentulism has different causes and always comes with psychosomatic disturbances in patients. Patients with acquired edentulism of varying duration aim to improve the quality of life and it results in extensive use of dental implants for partial and total tooth loss treatment. Anatomic features arising as a result of tooth loss and restitutional requirements to attachment of an implant to bone tissue bring about necessity of accurate planning and surgical positioning of dental implants. Relevance. The article presents data on psychological preparation of patients for planning and placing implants, technologies of surgical template application for dental implant positioning, results of the dental service package. Objective. The article aims to show the importance of psychological preparation before using surgical templates for rational placing dental implants and preventing potential errors and complications when rendering a dental service package. Methodology. The study employed an observation method, questionnaire survey, and introspection of a number of mental and psychophysiological functions of medical staff and patients, psychophysiological state of patients in the process of receiving multidimensional dental care. Results. Conducting well-timed psychotherapeutic work with a surgeon dentist, a prosthodontist, and a patient, using contemporary local anesthetics, equipment, and dental materials provide successful multidimensional treatment of acquired edentulism under municipal clinic conditions. Conclusions. The material presented here shows the necessity of using surgical templates when delivering multidimensional dental treatment to patients with acquired edentulism, as well as the importance of psychological prevention of occupational stress among dental practitioners.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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