
Есаян Лазарь1,Esayan Lazar2,Азатян Ваге1,Azatyan Vage2


1. Ереванский государственный медицинский университет

2. Erevan State Medical University


Object. This article deals with the prevalence of dental caries and periodontal disease in patients with HIV infection. As in the whole world, and in Armenia, there is a constant increase in the incidence of HIV infection, which in recent years has become the most important sociological problem of our time. The most important result of the study of caries for many years was the recognition that the emergence, development and wide dissemination of it is in direct connection with the civilization of society, especially with the most important factor - the modification of diet and nutrition in general, as well as the emergence of all new infections. The purpose of the study was to study the prevalence of caries and assess the condition of periodontal tissues in patients with HIV infection. Methodology. A total of 40 patients with HIV infection (3 women and 37 men) aged 24 to 68 years who were undergoing inpatient treatment at the medical center "Armenicum" ZAO and infectious clinical hospital "Nork" in Yerevan in 2018 were examined. The control group of practically healthy persons was 45 people aged from 25 to 65 who applied to the dental clinic N1 of YSMU. Immunodeficiency promotes the development of CDW, in particular, gingivitis of ulcerative necrotic form and periodontitis of severe form, which are established in 90.5% of patients. Results. Examination of patients with HIV infection showed that the most frequent complaints were against unpleasant breathlessness in the mouth (57.9%), bleeding gums I, II, III degree - 74.3%, 60.3%, 47.8%, respectively, abnormal mobility of teeth in 39.5% of patients . Conclusions. Thus, the higher prevalence of caries, which increases with age, which reaches the maximum values in patients with HIV infection not receiving HAART -90.5% and 97%. The intensity of caries in the KPU index in each age group in patients with HIV infection is significantly higher than in the control group.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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