Абдулкеримов Тимур1, Abdulkerimov Timur2, Мандра Юлия3, Mandra Yuliya2, Абдулкеримов Хийир1, Abdulkerimov Khiyir2, Абдулкеримов Замир1, Abdulkerimov Zamir2, Мандра Екатерина4, Mandra Ekaterina5, Болдырев Юрий6, Boldyrev Yuriy7, Шимова Маргарита1, Shimova Margarita2, Шнейдер Ольга1, Schneider Olga2, Чагай Андрей1, Chagay Andrey2
1. ФГБОУ ВО "Уральский государственный медицинский университет" Минздрава России 2. Ural State Medical University 3. ФГБОУ ВО "Уральский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России 4. Первый МГМУ имени И.М. Сеченова 5. First MGMU named after I.M. Sechenova 6. Уральский государственный медицинский университет 7. Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet
Importance. Fractures of the orbital walls in structure of craniofacial traumatic injures occupy a special place and occur in more than 40 %. The complexity of the structure, the proximity of the vision organ location causes difficulties in diagnostics and treatment of these patients. Often surgical treatment is carried out with using of standard implants that must be manually and directly modeled during the surgical intervention. Such numerous manipulations with implant develop negative effect on strength, that reduces predictability of the results and causes various postoperative complications in 20 % of cases.
The goal — is to conduct a systematic analysis of domestic and foreign literary sources to determine development prospects, improve diagnostic methods and treat orbital fractures.
Methodology. A case-control or cohort study was reviewed with a very low risk of mixing effects and average probability of causal relationship.
Conclusions. Surgical treatment of fractures of the facial middle zone, the orbital walls is a difficult task for surgeons. The great number of reconstructive materials and implants on the market provide a wide range of choices depending on the preferences of the surgeon and patient, that’s based on the specific clinical situation. However determining the ideal material for reconstructing of orbital walls is still an open question.
Results. Digital and additive technologies have great perspectives in diagnostic and treatment of trauma of the face middle zone. However a number of tasks requires to introduce and adapt rapid prototyping technologies in practical healthcare, which will allow significant progress in the diagnostics and treatment of facial skeleton fractures.
TIRAZH Publishing House
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