
Токмакова Светлана11,Tokmakova Svetlana22,Луницына Юлия11,Lunitsyna Yuliya22,Бондаренко Ольга1,Bondarenko Olga2,Воблова Татьяна1,Voblova Tatyana2,Рихтер Алена1,Rikhter Alyona2


1. Алтайский государственный медицинский университет

2. Altai State Medical University


Introduction. Dental caries is a widespread dental disease with high intensity and has an impact on the dental health of the population. After teething fissures are the most susceptible to the development of caries in them, due to the peculiarities of their anatomical structure. One of the main directions of primary prevention of caries is the use of sealants for sealing fissures. As sealants are used modern materials from the group of glass ionomer cements, monomernye sealants and composite sealants. Due to the lack of currently clear indications and algorithms for minimally invasive interventions using filling materials in different clinical situations, a study of various materials for invasive fissure sealing in the laboratory. Purpose ― in vitro assess various materials for invasive fissure sealing. Methodology.The procedure of invasive sealing with the use of various filling materials was carried out on the removed intact teeth. Subsequently, the boundary adhesion of sealants was evaluated according to the criteria for direct restoration, as well as the dye permeability along the adhesion boundary. Results. On the basis of the obtained data, the optimal choice of filling materials during the methods of invasive sealing and preventive sealing is justified. Studies show the high potential of polymer composite sealants as a material for sealing fissures both imported and domestic production.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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