
Yusupova Alina1,Usmanova Irina2,Mashkina Irina3,Gerasimova Larisa4,Kabirova Milyausha2


1. Bashkir State Medical Universitey

2. Bashkirian State Medical University

3. LLC "Dina Medservice"

4. Bashkirskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet


Subject. One of the possible causes of the development of chronic apical periodontitis is the presence of facultative and obligate-anaerobic microflora, due to the vital activity of which there is a process of resorption of the periapical periodontal tissues and a violation of the microcirculation of the mucous membrane in the area of the transitional tooth fold with apical periodontitis, and modern endodontic treatment does not always contribute to them stabilization. The goal is a comparative study of the effectiveness of the impact of various methods of endodontic treatment of chronic apical periodontitis using x-ray, densitometric, microbiological methods and laser dopplerography in the short and long term. Methodology. Under our supervision, there were 110 patients aged 20 to 30 years with chronic apical periodontitis who underwent an analysis of bone density, an assessment of the state of microcirculation of the mucous membrane in the area of the transitional fold of the causative tooth, and microbiological examination of the contents of the root canal depending on the application of the scheme endodontic treatment. Depending on the obtained clinical diagnostic data, patients with chronic apical periodontitis were divided into two clinical groups: in I, endodontic treatment was carried out according to the scheme developed by us, in II — using the standard method of endodontic treatment. Results. In the group of individuals with the proposed method of endodontic treatment during microbiological examination, there was a positive trend in the qualitative and quantitative decrease in gram-positive facultative anaerobic bacteria (Enterococcus spp. And β-hemolytic streptococci), according to the data of radio-visual imaging and dental computed tomography, a tendency toward faster stabilization of indicators optical density of periapical tissues, analysis of laser dopplerography data proved a significant normalization of the state microcirculation of the mucous membrane in the area of the transitional fold in the near and long term compared with the standard method. Conclusions. The results of a comparative study of the proposed method of endodontic treatment of chronic apical periodontitis convincingly showed its advantage.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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