
Dzyuba Elena1,Nagaeva Marina2


1. Tyumen state medical University

2. Tyumenskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet


Chronic parodontitis takes the special place among the inflammatory parodontium diseases because of its prevalence, the significant influence on the patient’s life quality, necessity of having long complex treatment. The adherence to the treatment is one of the leading factors effecting on the treatment of diseases. Objective of the study is to estimate the effectiveness of the standard complex therapy of chronic parodontitis in the patients having different levels of the adherence to the treatment. Methodology. 107 patients (male and female) aged 30-40 having chronic mild and moderate parodontitis were examined. The dental examination included questionnaire, instrumental examination to determine certain indices: OHI-S,PMA, PI. To study the adherence to the treatment the questionnaire “Questionnaire of the quantitative estimation of the adherence to the treatment” (QAA-25) was carried out, also the objective and quantitative indices of the level of the adherence in the patients to the doctor’s recommendations in the long treatment were calculated. On carrying out the standard conservative therapy of chronic parodontitis the dynamic observation was performed in 17, 14 days, in 1 and 6 months. The comparative analysis of indices of the effective treatment was carried out including the disease severity and the level of the adherence to the treatment. Results. In the patients having the high level of the adherence the standard method of chronical parodontitis treatment resulted in the compensation of the state (in 83.4% of cases in mild chronic parodontitis and in 58,3% of cases in moderate chronic parodontitis). If the patients had the low adherence they were inclined to the recurrent course of chronic parodontitis (in 33 % of cases). Conclusion. The level of the adherence to the treatment influences on the efficiency of the standard therapy and the outcome of the disease. In the patients having the high level of the adherence the standard method of chronical parodontitis treatment resulted in the compensation of the state. If the patients had the low adherence they were inclined to the recurrent course of chronic parodontitis. To have an individualized approach to the complex treatment it is necessary to take into consideration the level of the adherence of the patients to the long treatment.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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