
Bikmurzin Vladimir1,Balyabina Ludmila2,Gimraniva Irina3,Akmalova Guzel'4,Chuykin Sergey5,Chernyshova Nina6,Yepishova Anna6


1. Dental clinic number 8

2. Dental Clinic

3. Bashkir State Medical University

4. Bashkirian State Medical University

5. Bashkir State Medical Universitey

6. Ural State Medical University


Lichen planus is considered as a multifactorial disease. Various factors play a role in the development of lichen planus of the oral mucosa: genetic, dental materials that are used for restoration, prosthetics of teeth, Helicobacter pylori, viruses, psychological stress, somatic pathology and others. The pathogenesis of oral lichen planus is based on an autoimmune process. The aim of the study was to determine the immunological reactivity in patients with various clinical forms of lichen planus of the oral mucosa. The study carried out clinical, laboratory examination of 75 female patients aged 29 to 75 years old with red lichen planus of the oral mucosa. All patients were divided into three groups depending on the clinical form of the disease. The control group consisted of 30 women aged 39 to 70 years old without red lichen planus of the oral mucosa. The phagocytic activity of neutrophils, the level of immunoglobulins of classes A, M, G and circulating immune complexes in the blood serum were evaluated. The humoral link of immunity in patients with exudative-hyperemic form of OLP was characterized by hyperimmunoglobulinemia of classes A, M, G, an increase in circulating immune complexes, in patients with erosive-ulcerative form of hyperimmunoglobulinemia of class M against the background of hypoimmunoglobulinemia A, G and an increase in circulating immune complexes. In patients with a typical form of OLP, only an increase in the level of circulating immune complexes was noted. When assessing the immune reactivity in patients with OLP, the relationship between the manifestations of the "dysphagocytosis" syndrome, disorders in the humoral immunity system with various clinical forms of the disease was established. This fact allows us to conclude about the pathogenetic role of an imbalance in the system of mechanisms that ensure the elimination of pathogens, including infectious nature in the occurrence of a disease with the formation of an autoimmune component.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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