
Megrabyan Olga12,Ishmurzin Pavel13


1. E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University

2. LLC «Center of Dentistry «32 Practice»

3. FGBOU VO Permskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. akademika E.A. Vagnera Minzdrava Rossii


The beneficial orthodontic treatment should be focused on functional and aesthetic optimum results in dentofacial system achievement. The aim of the study is to evaluate on-treatment changes of mandible size and position in patients with mandibular micrognathia and retrognathism in different periods of dentofacial system evolving. Methodology: the research base of prospective clinical study was Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Department of E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University. The object of the study were 102 patients aged 6 to 16 years with distal malocclusion and mandibular micrognathia and retrognathism. All patients were under orthodontic treatment. Study data is lateral cephalograms, recorded before and after orthodontic treatment. Results: orthodontic treatment was most effective in mixed dentition when skeletal effects expressed in total normalization of mandible sagittal position and its significant expansion. In permanent dentition period mandible expansion considerably decreased in CS4 cervical vertebrae stage maturation and was clinically insignificant in CS5 cervical vertebrae stage maturation. Correction of distal malocclusion in permanent dentition had dental effects in clockwise occlusion plane rotation and inclination changing of upper and lower incisors. Conclusions: skeletal effects are leading in treatment of patients with distal malocclusion and mandibular micrognathia and retrognathism in dentofacial system high growth potential cases; dental effects are leading in dentofacial system low growth potential cases.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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