
Modina Tamara1,Cinekker Dina2,Mamaeva Elena2,Zinecker Daria2


1. National Medical and Surgical Center named after N. I. Pirogov

2. Kazan State Medical University


Relevance. Patients with hereditary ordental pathology of hereditary origin (genomic, chromosomal, gene mutations), as well as with multifactorial symptoms, constitute, albeit not a large, but stable group in the composition of human populations. Today, the issues of the diversity of the symptom complex of hereditary pathology are being actively discussed, while clinical observations of such patients expand the theoretical and practical knowledge of doctors of various specialties. Cruson's syndrome is classified as a hereditary monogenic disease (the carriage of a gene occurs without a change in the trait in all subsequent generations), it is distinguished by very bright orodental symptoms and requires an integrated approach to treatment, with the participation of both general practitioners and dentists. The aim of the study was to determine the main ordental symptoms of Cruson's syndrome in children and the peculiarities of supervision at the stages of dental care. Materials and methods: a comprehensive examination and treatment of a patient with a diagnosis of Cruson's syndrome was carried out; all clinical events were carried out on the basis of GAUZ DSP No. 5; GAUZ DRKB MH RT (Kazan). Results: a clinical case of a patient with Cruson's syndrome is presented, demonstrating the results of supervision at the stages of dental care. Taking into account the identified characteristics of the patient, it is important to correctly formulate medical-genetic and dental diagnoses, from which the duration and effectiveness of the chosen treatment tactics follow. A specific feature of the patient that affects the success of treatment is the presence of a psychologically motivated readiness for a large volume of dental reconstructive work, as well as the absence of phobias in front of the actions of a dentist. Conclusions: the treatment of patients with Cruson syndrome requires an integrated approach, depends on the correct diagnosis, the planning of complex treatment, its implementation and the motivation of the patient and his parents.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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