
Surdo El'vira1,Galonsky Vladislav12


1. Krasnoyarsk V.F. Voino‐Yasenetsky State Medical University

2. Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Subject. Dentine pathology is widely prevalent among children in many countries around the globe, which determines the relevance of consideration, organisation and performance of different forms of health education activities for this part of the population. Programmes for dental disease prevention are represented by different methods and means, the purpose of which is creation of correct skills and abilities aimed at preservation and maintenance of oral cavity health. For blind and hyposeeing children, there is absence of special technology for teaching dental culture and rational hygiene of the oral cavity. Aim – studying and analysis and literature related to forms and methods of health education activities for children with consideration for their somatic status. Methods.The study was carried out based on the search for and analysis of original articles devoted to issues of dental disease prevention among children and adolescents in the following databases: ELIBRARY, PubMed, Medline, Cyberleninka. A total of 45 sources have been analysed (25 by Russian and 20 foreign authors). Conclusions. Preventive dental care programmes for conventionally healthy children at the modern stage of development are sufficiently effective, diverse in their contents, point at the necessity of further introduction of individual preventive care activities. Few organisational forms of health education activities have been developed for children with health limitations. There is no special method for organisation of health education activities for blind and hyposeeing children. These circumstances point at the necessity of development and introduction of correction methods for primary prevention of oral cavity diseases for this category of subjects.


TIRAZH Publishing House

Reference45 articles.

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